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Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:09 pm
by grantg
I have tried to implement this in 5.0.6 - but it doesn't appear to do anything at all.

Below are the files required to be edited, I don't think I copied anything wrong from the original post.


Code: Select all



		private $_catid = 0;
		private $_catnumproducts = 0;
		private $_catpage = 0;
		private $_catstart = 0;
		private $_catnumpages = 0;

		private $_catname = "";
		private $_catdesc = "";
		private $_catsort = "";
		private $_catsortfield = "";
		private $_catpath = "";
		private $_catlayoutfile = "";

		private $_catpagetitle = '';
		private $_catmetakeywords = '';
		private $_catmetadesc = '';

		private $_cattrails = array();
		private $_catproducts = array();

		 * @var string A CSV list of the categories that products should be pulled from for this category.
		private $loadCats = '';

		public $Data = array();

		public function __construct()
			$GLOBALS['CatId'] = 0;
			$this->_catlayoutfile = "category";

		 * Get the category ID for the category we're currently viewing.
		 * @return int The category ID.
		public function GetCategoryId()
			return $this->_catid;

		public function SetName($name)
			$this->_catname = $name;

		public function GetName()
			return $this->_catname;

		public function GetPageTitle()
			return $this->_catpagetitle;

		public function SetCatPageTitle($pagetitle)
			$this->_catpagetitle = $pagetitle;

		public function SetMetaKeywords($keywords)
			$this->_catmetakeywords = $keywords;

		public function SetMetaDesc($desc)
			$this->_catmetadesc = $desc;

		public function SetPage()
			if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
				$this->_catpage = abs((int)$_GET['page']);
			} else {
				$this->_catpage = 1;

		public function GetPage()
			return $this->_catpage;

		// Workout the number of pages for products in this category
		public function SetNumPages()
			if (GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage') > 0) {
				$this->_catnumpages = ceil($this->GetNumProducts() / GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage'));
			else {
				$this->_catnumpages = 0;

		public function GetNumPages()
			return $this->_catnumpages;

		public function GetProducts(&$Ref)
			$Ref = $this->_catproducts;

		// Set the start record for the products query
		public function SetStart()
			$start = 0;

			switch ($this->_catpage) {
				case 1: {
					$start = 0;
				// Page 2 or more
				default: {
					$start = ($this->GetPage() * GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')) - GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage');

			$this->_catstart = $start;

		public function GetStart()
			return $this->_catstart;

		public function SetNumProducts()
			$query = "
					COUNT(DISTINCT ca.productid) AS numproducts
					[|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
					INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p USE INDEX (PRIMARY) ON p.productid = ca.productid
					p.prodvisible = 1 AND
					ca.categoryid IN (" . $this->GetProductCategoryIds() . ")

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
			$row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result);
			$this->_catnumproducts = $row['numproducts'];

		public function GetNumProducts()
			return $this->_catnumproducts;

		public function SetDesc($desc)
			if($desc == '<br>' || $desc == '<br />' || $desc == '<br/>') {
				$desc = '';
			$this->_catdesc = $desc;

		public function GetDesc()
			return $this->_catdesc;

		public function SetId($id = null)
			if ($id != null && (int)$id > -1) {
				$this->_catid = (int)$id;

		public function SetTrail($trail)
			$this->_cattrails[] = $trail;

		public function GetTrail()
			return $this->_cattrails;

		public function GetId()
			return $this->_catid;

		public function SetSortField($Field)
			// Set the field that the results will be sorted by in the query
			$this->_catsortfield = $Field;

		public function GetSortField()
			if (!$this->_catsortfield) {
				$this->_catsortfield = 'p.prodsortorder asc';
			return $this->_catsortfield;

		public function SetSort()
			// Pre-select the current sort order (if any)
			if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
				$sort = $_GET['sort'];
			} else {
				$sort = "featured";
			$this->_catsort = $sort;

			switch ($sort) {
				case "featured": {
					$GLOBALS['SortFeaturedSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodsortorder asc");
				case "newest": {
					$GLOBALS['SortNewestSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.productid desc");
				case "bestselling": {
					$GLOBALS['SortBestSellingSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodnumsold desc");
				case "alphaasc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAlphaAsc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodname asc");
				case "alphadesc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAlphaDesc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodname desc");
				case "avgcustomerreview": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAvgReview'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("prodavgrating desc");
				case "priceasc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortPriceAsc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodcalculatedprice asc");
				case "pricedesc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortPriceDesc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodcalculatedprice desc");

		public function GetSort()
			return $this->_catsort;

		public function GetCatPath()
			return $this->_catpath;

		public function SetCatPath($Path)
			$this->_catpath = $Path;
			$GLOBALS['CatPath'] = $Path;

		public function GetLayoutFile()
			if($this->_catlayoutfile == '') {
				$this->_catlayoutfile = 'category';
			return $this->_catlayoutfile;

		public function SetLayoutFile($File)
			if ($File != "") {
				$this->_catlayoutfile = str_replace(array(".html", ".htm"), "", $File);
				if(!file_exists(ISC_BASE_PATH."/templates/".GetConfig('template')."/".$File)) {
					$this->_catlayoutfile = '';

		public function SetCategoryData()
			// Retrieve the query string variables. Can't use the $_GET array
			// because of SEO friendly links in the URL

			// Grab the page sort details
			if (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) {
				$GLOBALS['CategoryPath'] = isc_html_escape($_REQUEST['category']);
				$path = explode("/", $_REQUEST['category']);
			else {
				$GLOBALS['URL'] = implode("/", $GLOBALS['PathInfo']);
				$path = $GLOBALS['PathInfo'];



			$arrCats = $this->_catpath;

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrCats); $i++) {
				$arrCats[$i] = MakeURLNormal($arrCats[$i]);

			if (!isset($arrCats[0])) {
				$arrCats[0] = '';

			// The first category *MUST* have a parent ID of 0 or it's invalid
			$query = "
				SELECT *
				FROM [|PREFIX|]categories
				WHERE LOWER(catname) ='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($arrCats[0])."' AND catparentid=0
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			if ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] = $row['categoryid'];
				$this->SetTrail(array($row['categoryid'], $row['catname']));

				// The root category is valid, try and loop through each category to find the ID of the last category in the set
				if (count($arrCats) > 1) {
					$parentCat = $row['categoryid'];

					for ($i = 1; $i < count($arrCats); $i++) {
						if(!$arrCats[$i]) {
						$query = "
							SELECT *
							FROM [|PREFIX|]categories
							WHERE LOWER(catname) ='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($arrCats[$i])."' AND catparentid='".(int)$parentCat."'
						$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
						if ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
							$GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory'] = $row['categoryid'];
							$parentCat = $row['categoryid'];
							$this->Data = $row;
							$this->SetTrail(array($row['categoryid'], $row['catname']));
						else {

				else {
					$this->Data = $row;
			else {
				$this->Data = $row;

			if(!$this->_catid) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_404'] = GetClass('ISC_404');

			// Do we have permission to access this category?
			if(!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($this->_catid)) {
				$noPermissionsPage = GetClass('ISC_403');

			$GLOBALS['CatTrail'] = $this->GetTrail();

			// Find the number of products in the category
			$this->loadCats = $this->GetId();

			// This product should show products from this category, but if there are none
			// show them from any child categories too
			if(GetConfig('CategoryListingMode') == 'emptychildren') {
				// Load up how many products there are in the current category, if none, load from children too
				if($this->_catnumproducts == 0) {
					$this->loadCats = trim(implode(',', $this->GetChildCategories()), ',');
					$this->loadCats = rtrim($this->GetId().",".$this->loadCats, ',');

			// Otherwise, this category shows products from itself + children
			else if(GetConfig('CategoryListingMode') == 'children') {
				$cats = $this->GetChildCategories();
				$cats[] = $this->GetId();
				$this->loadCats = trim(implode(',', array_unique($cats)), ',');


			// Setup paging details

			// Load the products for the categories page

		 * Get a CSV list of the categories that products should be pulled from for this category.
		 * @return string a CSV list of category IDs.
		public function GetProductCategoryIds()
			return $this->loadCats;

		public function HandlePage()

		public function BuildTitle()
			// Build an SEO-friendly page title
			$title = "";
			if (trim($this->GetPageTitle()) != "") {
				$title = rtrim($this->GetPageTitle());
				return $title;
			foreach ($this->GetTrail() as $trail) {
				$title .= sprintf("%s - ", $trail[1]);
			$title = rtrim($title, ' -');
			$title .= sprintf(" - %s", GetConfig('StoreName'));
			return $title;

		public function ShowCategory()
			$GLOBALS['CatId'] = (int) $this->GetId();
			$GLOBALS['CatName'] = isc_html_escape($this->GetName());
			$GLOBALS['CatDesc'] = $this->GetDesc();

			$GLOBALS['CompareLink'] = CompareLink();

			// Do we need to add RSS feeds in for this category?
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'])) {
				$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] = '';
			if (GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0) {
				if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0) {
					$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/rss.php?categoryid=".$GLOBALS['CatId'], sprintf(GetLang('HeadRSSNewProductsCategory'), $GLOBALS['CatName']));
				if (GetConfig('RSSPopularProducts') != 0) {
					$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/rss.php?action=popularproducts&categoryid=".$GLOBALS['CatId'], sprintf(GetLang('HeadRSSPopularProductsCategory'), $GLOBALS['CatName']));

			if ($this->_catmetakeywords != "") {

			if ($this->_catmetadesc != "") {

			if(!$this->GetNumProducts()) {
				$GLOBALS['HideRightColumn'] = 'none';
				$GLOBALS['ExtraCategoryClass'] = 'Wide';


		public function GetCatsInfo()
			if (!isset($this->catsByPid) || !is_array($this->catsByPid)) {
				$query = "SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]categories ORDER BY catsort DESC, catname ASC";
				$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
				while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
					$this->catsByPid[$row['catparentid']][] = $row['catparentid'];
					$this->catsById[$row['categoryid']] = $row;

		// Load the products to show on this page, taking into account paging, filters, etc
		public function LoadProductsForPage()
			$query = "
					FLOOR(prodratingtotal / prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating,
					" . GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL() . "
							DISTINCT ca.productid,
							FLOOR(prodratingtotal / prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating
							[|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
							INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p ON p.productid = ca.productid
							p.prodvisible = 1 AND
							ca.categoryid IN (" . $this->GetProductCategoryIds() . ")
						ORDER BY
							" . $this->GetSortField() . ", p.prodname ASC
						" .	$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit($this->GetStart(), GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')) . "
					) AS ca
					INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p ON p.productid = ca.productid
					LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_images pi ON (pi.imageisthumb = 1 AND p.productid = pi.imageprodid)

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$row['prodavgrating'] = (int)$row['prodavgrating'];
				$this->_catproducts[] = $row;

		 * Get a CSV list of all of the child categories of the current category.
		 * @return string a CSV list of all of the child categories of the current category.
		public function GetChildCategories()
			$categoryId = $this->GetCategoryId();
			$childCatsCache = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('ChildCategories');

			// The cache has a cached version of the children for this category so just return it
			if(isset($childCatsCache[$categoryId])) {
				return explode(',', $childCatsCache[$categoryId]);

			if(!is_array($childCatsCache)) {
				$childCatsCache = array();

			$childCats = array();
			$query = "SELECT categoryid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories WHERE CONCAT(',', catparentlist, ',') LIKE '%,".(int)$categoryId.",%' AND categoryid!='".(int)$categoryId."'";
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
			while($child = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$childCats[] = $child['categoryid'];
			$childCatsCache[$categoryId] = implode(',', $childCats);
			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Save('ChildCategories', $childCatsCache);
			return $childCats;

		public function GetCategoryAssociationSQL()
			$productCategoryIds = $this->GetProductCategoryIds();

			if ($productCategoryIds == '') {
				return '';

			$sql = "AND (
						SELECT ca.productid
						FROM  [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
						WHERE ca.productid = p.productid AND ca.categoryid IN (" . $productCategoryIds . ")
						LIMIT 1

			return $sql;

Code: Select all


      public function SetPanelSettings()
         $output = "";
         $categories = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('RootCategories');

         if (!isset($categories[0])) {
            $this->DontDisplay = true;

         foreach($categories[0] as $rootCat) {
            // If we don't have permission to view this category then skip
            if(!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($rootCat['categoryid'])) {

            $GLOBALS['SubCategoryList'] = $this->GetSubCategory($categories, $rootCat['categoryid']);
            $GLOBALS['CategoryName'] = isc_html_escape($rootCat['catname']);
            $GLOBALS['CategoryLink'] = CatLink($rootCat['categoryid'], $rootCat['catname'], true);
            if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] == $rootCat['categoryid']) {
                  $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = "ActiveCategory";
               else {
                  $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = '';
            $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideCategoryList");


         if(!$output) {
            $this->DontDisplay = true;

         $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideCategoryList'] = $output;

      * get the html for sub category list
      * @param array $categories the array of all categories in a tree structure
      * @param int $parentCatId the parent category ID of the sub category list
      * return string the html of the sub category list
      private function GetSubCategory($categories, $parentCatId)

         $output = '';
         //if there is sub category for this parent cat
         if (isset($categories[$parentCatId]) && !empty($categories[$parentCatId])) {
            if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] == $parentCatId) {
            foreach ($categories[$parentCatId] as $subCat) {
               // If we don't have permission to view this category then skip
               if (!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($subCat['categoryid'])) {
               $catLink = CatLink($subCat['categoryid'], $subCat['catname'], false);
               $catName = isc_html_escape($subCat['catname']);

               $GLOBALS['SubCategoryList'] = $this->GetSubCategory($categories, $subCat['categoryid']);

               //set the class for the last category of its parent category
               if($i == count($categories[$parentCatId])) {
               if($i == 1) {

               if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory'] == $subCat['categoryid']) {
                  $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = "ActiveCategory";
               else {
                  $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = '';
               $GLOBALS['CategoryName'] = $catName;
               $GLOBALS['CategoryLink'] = $catLink;
               $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideCategoryList");
         if ($output!='') {
            $output = '<ul>'.$output.'</ul>';
         return $output;
I am using the 'Toys' template, therefore: /templates/Toys/Snippets/SideCategoryList.html

Code: Select all

<li class="%%GLOBAL_ActiveCategoryClass%% %%GLOBAL_LastChildClass%%"><a href="%%GLOBAL_CategoryLink%%">%%GLOBAL_CategoryName%%</a>
I have also tried placing this SideCategoryList.html file in /templates/__master/Snippets/ and changed my template to Default, but it still doesn't work.

Any ideas? Any help is much appreciated - this is exactly what I've been looking for.

Any idea what's wrong? Do I need to change a setting somewhere?

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:17 pm
by grantg
Doh! You also need to set Settings > Display Settings - Category List Depth to greater than 1 for this to work. Good work - now just need to work on some styling, to get the active category to be highlighted.

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:20 pm
by Painstik
grantg wrote:Doh! You also need to set Settings > Display Settings - Category List Depth to greater than 1 for this to work. Good work - now just need to work on some styling, to get the active category to be highlighted.
Edited in first post your notice :) I totally forgot to say that.

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:57 pm
by netjet
I'm using 5.0.5 and I'm sure that I did everything like you said, but I dont see any changes...Maybe it doesnt work with my version?

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:02 pm
by Painstik
netjet wrote:I'm using 5.0.5 and I'm sure that I did everything like you said, but I dont see any changes...Maybe it doesnt work with my version?
It is made in 5.0.5, so it should work, check your SideCategoryList.php to be as one i posted few posts ahead.

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:08 pm
by netjet
Painstik wrote:
netjet wrote:I'm using 5.0.5 and I'm sure that I did everything like you said, but I dont see any changes...Maybe it doesnt work with my version?
It is made in 5.0.5, so it should work, check your SideCategoryList.php to be as one i posted few posts ahead.
I have copied the code you posted for SideCategoryList.php and I put it in place of my code.
I do again the differents changes to...
I have cleaned my cache, can you check from if it displaying like it supposed to be please?

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:11 pm
by Painstik
You didnt make last step, check 1st post, and do it again.

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:13 pm
by netjet
here is my files:


Code: Select all



		private $_catid = 0;
		private $_catnumproducts = 0;
		private $_catpage = 0;
		private $_catstart = 0;
		private $_catnumpages = 0;

		private $_catname = "";
		private $_catdesc = "";
		private $_catsort = "";
		private $_catsortfield = "";
		private $_catpath = "";
		private $_catlayoutfile = "";

		private $_catpagetitle = '';
		private $_catmetakeywords = '';
		private $_catmetadesc = '';

		private $_cattrails = array();
		private $_catproducts = array();

		 * @var string A CSV list of the categories that products should be pulled from for this category.
		private $loadCats = '';

		public $Data = array();

		public function __construct()
			$GLOBALS['CatId'] = 0;
			$this->_catlayoutfile = "category";

		 * Get the category ID for the category we're currently viewing.
		 * @return int The category ID.
		public function GetCategoryId()
			return $this->_catid;

		public function SetName($name)
			$this->_catname = $name;

		public function GetName()
			return $this->_catname;

		public function GetPageTitle()
			return $this->_catpagetitle;

		public function SetCatPageTitle($pagetitle)
			$this->_catpagetitle = $pagetitle;

		public function SetMetaKeywords($keywords)
			$this->_catmetakeywords = $keywords;

		public function SetMetaDesc($desc)
			$this->_catmetadesc = $desc;

		public function SetPage()
			if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
				$this->_catpage = abs((int)$_GET['page']);
			} else {
				$this->_catpage = 1;

		public function GetPage()
			return $this->_catpage;

		// Workout the number of pages for products in this category
		public function SetNumPages()
			if (GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage') > 0) {
				$this->_catnumpages = ceil($this->GetNumProducts() / GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage'));
			else {
				$this->_catnumpages = 0;

		public function GetNumPages()
			return $this->_catnumpages;

		public function GetProducts(&$Ref)
			$Ref = $this->_catproducts;

		// Set the start record for the products query
		public function SetStart()
			$start = 0;

			switch ($this->_catpage) {
				case 1: {
					$start = 0;
				// Page 2 or more
				default: {
					$start = ($this->GetPage() * GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')) - GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage');

			$this->_catstart = $start;

		public function GetStart()
			return $this->_catstart;

		public function SetNumProducts()
			$query = "
					COUNT(DISTINCT ca.productid) AS numproducts
					[|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
					INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p USE INDEX (PRIMARY) ON p.productid = ca.productid
					p.prodvisible = 1 AND
					ca.categoryid IN (" . $this->GetProductCategoryIds() . ")

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
			$row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result);
			$this->_catnumproducts = $row['numproducts'];

		public function GetNumProducts()
			return $this->_catnumproducts;

		public function SetDesc($desc)
			if($desc == '<br>' || $desc == '<br />' || $desc == '<br/>') {
				$desc = '';
			$this->_catdesc = $desc;

		public function GetDesc()
			return $this->_catdesc;

		public function SetId($id = null)
			if ($id != null && (int)$id > -1) {
				$this->_catid = (int)$id;

		public function SetTrail($trail)
			$this->_cattrails[] = $trail;

		public function GetTrail()
			return $this->_cattrails;

		public function GetId()
			return $this->_catid;

		public function SetSortField($Field)
			// Set the field that the results will be sorted by in the query
			$this->_catsortfield = $Field;

		public function GetSortField()
			if (!$this->_catsortfield) {
				$this->_catsortfield = 'p.prodsortorder asc';
			return $this->_catsortfield;

		public function SetSort()
			// Pre-select the current sort order (if any)
			if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
				$sort = $_GET['sort'];
			} else {
				$sort = "featured";
			$this->_catsort = $sort;

			switch ($sort) {
				case "featured": {
					$GLOBALS['SortFeaturedSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodsortorder asc");
				case "newest": {
					$GLOBALS['SortNewestSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.productid desc");
				case "bestselling": {
					$GLOBALS['SortBestSellingSelected'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodnumsold desc");
				case "alphaasc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAlphaAsc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodname asc");
				case "alphadesc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAlphaDesc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodname desc");
				case "avgcustomerreview": {
					$GLOBALS['SortAvgReview'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("prodavgrating desc");
				case "priceasc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortPriceAsc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodcalculatedprice asc");
				case "pricedesc": {
					$GLOBALS['SortPriceDesc'] = 'selected="selected"';
					$this->SetSortField("p.prodcalculatedprice desc");

		public function GetSort()
			return $this->_catsort;

		public function GetCatPath()
			return $this->_catpath;

		public function SetCatPath($Path)
			$this->_catpath = $Path;
			$GLOBALS['CatPath'] = $Path;

		public function GetLayoutFile()
			if($this->_catlayoutfile == '') {
				$this->_catlayoutfile = 'category';
			return $this->_catlayoutfile;

		public function SetLayoutFile($File)
			if ($File != "") {
				$this->_catlayoutfile = str_replace(array(".html", ".htm"), "", $File);
				if(!file_exists(ISC_BASE_PATH."/templates/".GetConfig('template')."/".$File)) {
					$this->_catlayoutfile = '';

		public function SetCategoryData()
			// Retrieve the query string variables. Can't use the $_GET array
			// because of SEO friendly links in the URL

			// Grab the page sort details
			if (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) {
				$GLOBALS['CategoryPath'] = isc_html_escape($_REQUEST['category']);
				$path = explode("/", $_REQUEST['category']);
			else {
				$GLOBALS['URL'] = implode("/", $GLOBALS['PathInfo']);
				$path = $GLOBALS['PathInfo'];



			$arrCats = $this->_catpath;

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrCats); $i++) {
				$arrCats[$i] = MakeURLNormal($arrCats[$i]);

			if (!isset($arrCats[0])) {
				$arrCats[0] = '';

			// The first category *MUST* have a parent ID of 0 or it's invalid
			$query = "
				SELECT *
				FROM [|PREFIX|]categories
				WHERE LOWER(catname) ='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($arrCats[0])."' AND catparentid=0
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			if ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] = $row['categoryid'];
				$this->SetTrail(array($row['categoryid'], $row['catname']));

				// The root category is valid, try and loop through each category to find the ID of the last category in the set
				if (count($arrCats) > 1) {
					$parentCat = $row['categoryid'];

					for ($i = 1; $i < count($arrCats); $i++) {
						if(!$arrCats[$i]) {
						$query = "
							SELECT *
							FROM [|PREFIX|]categories
							WHERE LOWER(catname) ='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($arrCats[$i])."' AND catparentid='".(int)$parentCat."'
						$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
						if ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
							$GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory'] = $row['categoryid'];
							$parentCat = $row['categoryid'];
							$this->Data = $row;
							$this->SetTrail(array($row['categoryid'], $row['catname']));
						else {

				else {
					$this->Data = $row;
			else {
				$this->Data = $row;

			if(!$this->_catid) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_404'] = GetClass('ISC_404');

			// Do we have permission to access this category?
			if(!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($this->_catid)) {
				$noPermissionsPage = GetClass('ISC_403');

			$GLOBALS['CatTrail'] = $this->GetTrail();

			// Find the number of products in the category
			$this->loadCats = $this->GetId();

			// This product should show products from this category, but if there are none
			// show them from any child categories too
			if(GetConfig('CategoryListingMode') == 'emptychildren') {
				// Load up how many products there are in the current category, if none, load from children too
				if($this->_catnumproducts == 0) {
					$this->loadCats = trim(implode(',', $this->GetChildCategories()), ',');
					$this->loadCats = rtrim($this->GetId().",".$this->loadCats, ',');

			// Otherwise, this category shows products from itself + children
			else if(GetConfig('CategoryListingMode') == 'children') {
				$cats = $this->GetChildCategories();
				$cats[] = $this->GetId();
				$this->loadCats = trim(implode(',', array_unique($cats)), ',');


			// Setup paging details

			// Load the products for the categories page

		 * Get a CSV list of the categories that products should be pulled from for this category.
		 * @return string a CSV list of category IDs.
		public function GetProductCategoryIds()
			return $this->loadCats;

		public function HandlePage()

		public function BuildTitle()
			// Build an SEO-friendly page title
			$title = "";
			if (trim($this->GetPageTitle()) != "") {
				$title = rtrim($this->GetPageTitle());
				return $title;
			foreach ($this->GetTrail() as $trail) {
				$title .= sprintf("%s - ", $trail[1]);
			$title = rtrim($title, ' -');
			$title .= sprintf(" - %s", GetConfig('StoreName'));
			return $title;

		public function ShowCategory()
			$GLOBALS['CatId'] = (int) $this->GetId();
			$GLOBALS['CatName'] = isc_html_escape($this->GetName());
			$GLOBALS['CatDesc'] = $this->GetDesc();

			$GLOBALS['CompareLink'] = CompareLink();

			// Do we need to add RSS feeds in for this category?
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'])) {
				$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] = '';
			if (GetConfig('RSSCategories') != 0) {
				if (GetConfig('RSSNewProducts') != 0) {
					$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/rss.php?categoryid=".$GLOBALS['CatId'], sprintf(GetLang('HeadRSSNewProductsCategory'), $GLOBALS['CatName']));
				if (GetConfig('RSSPopularProducts') != 0) {
					$GLOBALS['HeadRSSLinks'] .= GenerateRSSHeaderLink($GLOBALS['ShopPath']."/rss.php?action=popularproducts&categoryid=".$GLOBALS['CatId'], sprintf(GetLang('HeadRSSPopularProductsCategory'), $GLOBALS['CatName']));

			if ($this->_catmetakeywords != "") {

			if ($this->_catmetadesc != "") {

			if(!$this->GetNumProducts()) {
				$GLOBALS['HideRightColumn'] = 'none';
				$GLOBALS['ExtraCategoryClass'] = 'Wide';


		public function GetCatsInfo()
			if (!isset($this->catsByPid) || !is_array($this->catsByPid)) {
				$query = "SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]categories ORDER BY catsort DESC, catname ASC";
				$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
				while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
					$this->catsByPid[$row['catparentid']][] = $row['catparentid'];
					$this->catsById[$row['categoryid']] = $row;

		// Load the products to show on this page, taking into account paging, filters, etc
		public function LoadProductsForPage()
			$query = "
					FLOOR(prodratingtotal / prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating,
					" . GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL() . "
							DISTINCT ca.productid,
							FLOOR(prodratingtotal / prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating
							[|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
							INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p ON p.productid = ca.productid
							p.prodvisible = 1 AND
							ca.categoryid IN (" . $this->GetProductCategoryIds() . ")
						ORDER BY
							" . $this->GetSortField() . ", p.prodname ASC
						" .	$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit($this->GetStart(), GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')) . "
					) AS ca
					INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]products p ON p.productid = ca.productid
					LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_images pi ON (pi.imageisthumb = 1 AND p.productid = pi.imageprodid)

			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);

			while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$row['prodavgrating'] = (int)$row['prodavgrating'];
				$this->_catproducts[] = $row;

		 * Get a CSV list of all of the child categories of the current category.
		 * @return string a CSV list of all of the child categories of the current category.
		public function GetChildCategories()
			$categoryId = $this->GetCategoryId();
			$childCatsCache = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('ChildCategories');

			// The cache has a cached version of the children for this category so just return it
			if(isset($childCatsCache[$categoryId])) {
				return explode(',', $childCatsCache[$categoryId]);

			if(!is_array($childCatsCache)) {
				$childCatsCache = array();

			$childCats = array();
			$query = "SELECT categoryid FROM [|PREFIX|]categories WHERE CONCAT(',', catparentlist, ',') LIKE '%,".(int)$categoryId.",%' AND categoryid!='".(int)$categoryId."'";
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
			while($child = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$childCats[] = $child['categoryid'];
			$childCatsCache[$categoryId] = implode(',', $childCats);
			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Save('ChildCategories', $childCatsCache);
			return $childCats;

		public function GetCategoryAssociationSQL()
			$productCategoryIds = $this->GetProductCategoryIds();

			if ($productCategoryIds == '') {
				return '';

			$sql = "AND (
						SELECT ca.productid
						FROM  [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca
						WHERE ca.productid = p.productid AND ca.categoryid IN (" . $productCategoryIds . ")
						LIMIT 1

			return $sql;

and SideCategoryList.php

Code: Select all


          public function SetPanelSettings()
             $output = "";
             $categories = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->Read('RootCategories');

             if (!isset($categories[0])) {
                $this->DontDisplay = true;

             foreach($categories[0] as $rootCat) {
                // If we don't have permission to view this category then skip
                if(!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($rootCat['categoryid'])) {

                $GLOBALS['SubCategoryList'] = $this->GetSubCategory($categories, $rootCat['categoryid']);
                $GLOBALS['CategoryName'] = isc_html_escape($rootCat['catname']);
                $GLOBALS['CategoryLink'] = CatLink($rootCat['categoryid'], $rootCat['catname'], true);
                if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] == $rootCat['categoryid']) {
                      $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = "ActiveCategory";
                   else {
                      $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = '';
                $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideCategoryList");


             if(!$output) {
                $this->DontDisplay = true;

             $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideCategoryList'] = $output;

          * get the html for sub category list
          * @param array $categories the array of all categories in a tree structure
          * @param int $parentCatId the parent category ID of the sub category list
          * return string the html of the sub category list
          private function GetSubCategory($categories, $parentCatId)

             $output = '';
             //if there is sub category for this parent cat
             if (isset($categories[$parentCatId]) && !empty($categories[$parentCatId])) {
                if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveCategory'] == $parentCatId) {
                foreach ($categories[$parentCatId] as $subCat) {
                   // If we don't have permission to view this category then skip
                   if (!CustomerGroupHasAccessToCategory($subCat['categoryid'])) {
                   $catLink = CatLink($subCat['categoryid'], $subCat['catname'], false);
                   $catName = isc_html_escape($subCat['catname']);

                   $GLOBALS['SubCategoryList'] = $this->GetSubCategory($categories, $subCat['categoryid']);

                   //set the class for the last category of its parent category
                   if($i == count($categories[$parentCatId])) {
                   if($i == 1) {

                   if(isset($GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory']) && $GLOBALS['ActiveSubCategory'] == $subCat['categoryid']) {
                      $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = "ActiveCategory";
                   else {
                      $GLOBALS['ActiveCategoryClass'] = '';
                   $GLOBALS['CategoryName'] = $catName;
                   $GLOBALS['CategoryLink'] = $catLink;
                   $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideCategoryList");
             if ($output!='') {
                $output = '<ul>'.$output.'</ul>';
             return $output;
and SideCategoryList.html

Code: Select all

	    <li class="%%GLOBAL_ActiveCategoryClass%% %%GLOBAL_LastChildClass%%"><a href="%%GLOBAL_CategoryLink%%">%%GLOBAL_CategoryName%%</a>

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:26 pm
by Painstik
SideCategoryList.html should look like this:

Code: Select all

<li class="%%GLOBAL_ActiveCategoryClass%% %%GLOBAL_LastChildClass%%"><a href="%%GLOBAL_CategoryLink%%">%%GLOBAL_CategoryName%%</a>

Re: Active SideCategoryList

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:33 pm
by netjet
Painstik wrote:SideCategoryList.html should look like this:

Code: Select all

<li class="%%GLOBAL_ActiveCategoryClass%% %%GLOBAL_LastChildClass%%"><a href="%%GLOBAL_CategoryLink%%">%%GLOBAL_CategoryName%%</a>
I have tried this also but without success...

SideCategoryList.html is in /templates/_master/snippets